You're Not Alone
(ft. Madeleine Mbala)
Released February 14, 2021
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(texte francophone ci-dessous...) (nederlandstalige tekst hieronder...) (lyrics) (credits)
Loneliness can be a stone-cold killer. Without friendship we are scared creatures lost in our own small bubble. We so desperately long to share feelings and experiences.
'You're not alone' by Eric Geurts revolves around this theme. In this winsome ballad, filled with beautiful guitar lines and a lovely wobbling chorus, the lyrics talk about the need for friendship, love and compassion. In 1974, John Lennon sang: 'Nobody loves you when you're down and out'. Lennon's soul haunts this song, but unlike the cynical view of Lennon's song 'You're not alone' is an ode to friendship and compassion in these lockdown times when so much human suffering can strike deep wounds into our very souls. Friendship is a verb, it breaks through the narrative of self-centeredness.
For those who may often doubt it the truth is 'You're Not Alone'... Somewhere there is someone who cares about you and sings this song for you!
La solitude est un tueur silencieux. Sans amitié, nous sommes des créatures effrayées perdues dans notre petite bulle. Nous avons tellement envie de partager nos sentiments et nos expériences.
'You're Not Alone' d'Eric Geurts s'articule autour de ce thème. Dans une balade, au premier abord, doucement rockante, avec de belles lignes de guitare et un refrain accrocheur et plein d'espoir, les paroles nous parlent du besoin d'amitié, d'amour et de compassion. En 1974, John Lennon chantait 'Nobody loves you when you're down and out'... L'âme de Lennon hante cette chanson, mais contrairement à la chanson plutôt cynique de Lennon, 'You're not alone' sonne comme une ode à l'amitié, à la compassion en ces temps de confinement où beaucoup de souffrances humaines se déroulent derrière des portes closes. L'amitié est un verbe, elle brise l'égocentrisme.
Pour ceux qui en doutent trop souvent : 'You're Not Alone'... Quelque part, il y a quelqu'un qui se soucie de vous et qui chante cette chanson pour vous !
Eenzaamheid is een koele killer. Zonder vriendschap zijn we bange wezens die verloren lopen in onze kleine bubbel. We verlangen zo hevig om gevoelens en ervaringen te delen.
'You're not alone' van Eric Geurts draait rond dit thema. In een, op het eerste gehoor, zacht wiebelende balade met fraaie gitaarlijnen en een aanstekelijk, hoopgevend refrein vertelt de tekst over de nood aan vriendschap, liefde en de behoefte aan medeleven. 'Nobody loves you when you're down and out' zong John Lennon in 1974. Lennon's ziel waart door deze song, maar anders dan in de eerder cynische Lennon-song, klinkt 'You're not alone' als een ode aan de vriendschap, aan het medeleven in deze lockdown-tijden waarin veel menselijk leed zich binnenskamers afspeelt. Vriendschap is een werkwoord, het doorbreekt het op onszelf gerichte egocentrisme.
Voor hen die er al te dikwijls aan twijfelen: 'You're Not Alone'... Ergens is er iemand die om je geeft en deze song voor jou zingt!
Lees hier de keigoeie review op Luminous Dash!
[verse 1]
I know it's kinda late
and I'm sorry I can't wait
But I'm afraid to fall
Feel like a spider on the wall
Another rainy day
This pain won't go away
So I'm calling you, my friend
I just need a helping hand
Don't you ever feel
that living's an ordeal?
Darkness, never sun...
or am I the only one?
I'm sorry I haven't been much around
but I'll be there when the sun goes down
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
They say nobody loves you when you're down and out
But I'm on the rooftops to shout it out loud
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
[verse 2]
A crazy world out there
much more than I can bear
Nobody wants you
when you're down, so what about you?
I know I got to be strong
Losers are always wrong
So I've come to you, God
with all the love I've got
Don't you ever feel
you're slipping off the reel?
Like you're really done?
or am I the only one?
I'm sorry I haven't been much around
but I'll be there when the sun goes down
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
They say nobody loves you when you're down and out
But I'm on the rooftops to shout it out loud
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
And I'd really like to know
Do you turn off the radio
when they play this song?
Don't you ever feel
that living's an ordeal?
Darkness, never sun...
or am I the only one?
I'm sorry I haven't been much around
but I'll be there when the sun goes down
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
They say nobody loves you when you're down and out
But I'm on the rooftops to shout it out loud
Don't stay in a world of your own
I'm your friend, you know you're not alone
Written, recorded, mixed and produced by Eric Geurts.
All vocals and instruments by Eric Geurts, except additional vocals (chorus) by Madeleine Mbala, bass by Evert Verhees and drumloop by Ronald Vanhuffel.
Credits for the free stock videos and photos used in the clip:
- 'Golden sun above the horizon' by James Cheney (
- 'Sunrays through trees' by James Cheney (
- '#STAYHOME' by Yohann Libot (
- 'homeless person' by Jon Tyson (
- 'Hiroshima' (