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I'm Not Afraid of the Dark
Released on June 8, 2020
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(texte francophone ci-dessous...) (nederlandstalige tekst hieronder...) (lyrics) (credits)
Thanks to the injection of a swinging guitar line and a catchy sing-along chorus, "I'm Not Afraid of the Dark" is nothing less than an unpretentious pop tune. A song with a Christian lyric that glistens like a glowing ray of light in these dark Corona times. There are scripture references to Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 1:18, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 23:4, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 56:3 and Romans 4:25. With a tune like this in your headphones, you no longer have to be afraid of the dark. Just join in the roar! There is hope in uncertain times.
Grâce à l'injection d'une ligne de guitare swingante et d'un refrain de chanson accrocheur, "I'm Not Afraid of the Dark" n'est rien de moins qu'un morceau pop sans prétention. Une chanson aux paroles chrétiennes qui scintillent comme un rayon de lumière en ces temps sombres de Corona. Il y a des références bibliques à Ésaïe 41:10, Ésaïe 1:18, Josué 1:9, Psaume 23:4, Psaume 34:4, Psaume 56:3 et Romains 4:25. Avec un air comme celui-ci dans vos écouteurs, vous n'avez plus à avoir peur du noir. Joignez-vous simplement au rugissement ! Il y a de l'espoir dans les temps incertains.
Dankzij de injectie van een swingende gitaarlijn en een aanstekelijk meezingbaar refrein is "I'm Not Afraid Of The Dark" van Eric Geurts niet meer of minder dan een pretentieloze popdeun. Een song met een spirituele tekst die glinstert als een gloedvolle lichtstraal in deze duistere Coronatijden. Met zo'n tune in je koptelefoon hoef je niet langer bang te zijn in het donker. Gewoon lekker meebrullen! Er is hoop in bange dagen
[verse 1]
It doesn't matter where I go
Where I was a while ago
You are always by my side
All I know is that Your word is true
When I'm afraid I put my trust in You
You are my God, You are my Guide
(so) I won't be terrified
If I walk through the vale
of the shadow of the night
Your compassions never fail
You always shed Your light
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
Your staff protects and comforts me
[verse 2]
It doesn't matter what I did
'cause You raised up from the dead
You washed my sins, now I'm white as snow
All I know is that when I'm in tears
You will answer and free me from my fears
and Your love will overflow
'cause this is what I know
If I walk through the vale
of the shadow of the night
Your compassions never fail
You always shed Your light
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
Your staff protects and comforts me
(I'm not afraid of the dark)
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
I'm not afraid of the dark
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
Your staff protects and comforts me
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
Your staff protects and comforts me
(I'm not afraid of the dark)
No fear 'cause You're always with me
I'm not afraid of the dark
I'm not afraid of the dark
I'm not afraid of the dark
I'm not afraid of the dark
Written, recorded, mixed and produced by Eric Geurts.
All vocals and other instruments by Eric Geurts, except bass by Evert Verhees and drums by Brandon Davis.
Thanks to 'The Bridge Kids' Belgian Ministry ( for their drawings used in the videoclip : Peniel, Halle, Pixi, Joelle, Emma, Boaz, Julia (2), Boaz, Aleksandra, Mary-Ann, Zori, Peniel, Julia, Hannah, Joel, Julia, Samuel